Friday, 13 October 2023

The Many-paws

Menopause, that delightful time in a woman's life when your body decides to go all rogue on you and leave you hanging out to dry (literally). I'm currently going through this phase, and I have to say, it's been quite the ride. So I thought I'd share a few of my experiences so far:

Hot Flash Mania. I'm talking about the kind of heat that makes you feel like you're standing on the sun. It's like a fever that takes hold of you and refuses to let go. Sometimes it's triggered by something as simple as a spicy food or just thinking about being warm, and other times it strikes out of nowhere. It can be like standing in a sauna, all day, every day. I guess it's going to save on heating this winter. And don't even get me started on the insomnia. I could use the bags under my eyes to carry my shopping back from Aldi. Who needs sleep anyway?

I've been having many the menopause conversation these days, and from all accounts I have only skimmed the surface, and there more to come, (or not as the case may be). Dry as the Sahara you say... 'A friend' of mine recently told me over a Costa and a flapjack, "Its like the bloody Sahara Desert down there,  sex now is about as enjoyable as a trip to the dentist." Thanks, Mother Nature! This may be what triggers the mood swings, apparently another fun aspect of menopause I have to look forward too, "it"s like PMS on steroids, complete with sudden crying and irrational anger," the husband of my close acquaintance said, "she can go from zero to fiery rage in seconds, and all because I left the top off the toothpaste." 

Which reminds me, we can't forget the memory loss, or can we, I'm confused - brain fog, or frog as I described it earlier today. I often forget why I walked in a room, I forget my own name, as well as everyone elses. It's like my brain decided to shut down all non-essential functions in order to preserve energy for all my hot flashes. Sorry brain, but some days I really need to remember where I parked my car.

All in all, my menopause journey so far has been quite the adventure. It's like going through puberty all over again, except this time there are no raging hormones powering it. It's just your body saying, "Hey, I'm done with that phase of life, and now I'm going to make you suffer for it." 

At least it doesn't last forever, and I can look forward to the day when it's all over but for now it's a case of head down, come on body and brain we can do this...bring on the ice baths, the deep breathing and cuddling cats. 😁🙏✌🐈


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