Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Embracing Difference

I sometimes question my differences with regards to the world around me. I know how it feels to be in a group and behave or think differently to everyone else. In the past I have tried my best to fit in and be less unconventional. Being surrounded by people who seem to be doing and saying the opposite of what I am doing or thinking can be difficult. But let me tell you, I have learnt something that I'm more than happy to share... it's okay not follow society's norms, it's ok to be different and it's okay if your thoughts don't align with the rest of the world's perspective. There, I've said it! Phew! And it felt good!!

Society puts a lot of pressure on individuals to conform and behave in certain ways. Standing out is brave!  Cultural and social norms are there to hold us accountable and steer us in the right direction for the betterment of society. I personally think this can limit our thinking, and may even stop us from reaching our full potential. Not conforming doesn't mean we are purposely being defiant or acting out. It is more about having enough courage to think outside the box without fear of judgment from others.

Each person is unique and has something valuable to contribute to the world, including their own way of thinking and appreciating life. Instead of conforming to the way everyone else lives, I now embrace my differences, regardless of what society thinks. I have become my most authentic self by learning to be comfortable in my own skin which has given me an immense sense of freedom and an unbreakable spirit.

Not fitting in or conforming to social norms is bold. Don't be afraid to stand out. Your uniqueness is a gift, and you have something valuable to offer the world. So not only should you embrace your differences, you should be proud of them!

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